Senate Judiciary meets early Monday morning. The docket is light, but does include SB947 (Saslaw-SD35) to automatically expunge police and court records for those acquitted or whose charges are dismissed.
Senate Local Government meets Monday 9am, with SB803 (Morrissey-SD16) to change compensation formula for Commonwealth’s Attorneys offices, to remove some of the disincentives for finding ways to protect public safety that don’t increase incarceration.
House Courts of Justice committee and the Criminal Justice Subcommittee were scheduled to meet Monday, but those meetings have been cancelled.
Bills to address climate change
Senate Local Government meets Monday at 8am. Will consider plastic bag and styrofoam container tax and ban bills SB193 (Favola-SD31), SB198 (Locke-SD02),
Senate Commerce and Labor meets Monday after session and will hear SB94 (Favola-31), which would update Virgina’s Energy Plan (gives guidance to all agencies on discretionary activities) to reflect need to transition quickly to carbon-free energy.
Several bills defining/affirming the role of nuclear energy in Virginia’s energy plans are on the docket in the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee on Monday–SB817 and SB828 (Lewis-SD06), and SB549 (Newman-SD23).