Week 2: What’s Up at the General Assembly

Week 2: What’s Up at the General Assembly
Senate and House committees and subcommittees reported bills to the floor, many of which will be sure to be vetoed by Gov Youngkin. But importantly, he does not get to sign or veto the three Constitutional amendment resolutions–on abortion rights, marriage equality, and voting rights restoration–which have now passed through both chambers (but still need to “cross-over”).

QUOTE OF THE WEEK, Senate Majority Leader, Scott Surovell, speaking to SJ247 reproductive healthcare constitutional amendment resolution, until he was cut off by LG Sears, who was angry that he impugned the reputation of Mitch McConnell: “Roe v. Wade existed in this country since I was about one year old, in 1973 in January. Roe v. Wade lived in happy harmony with the parental consent laws until it was abolished by the US Supreme Court in Dobbs, after Mitch McConnell stole the Supreme Court pick and another guy got on after a background check that never really got fully–” 

A few bills passing the House so far:

  • HB1699, eliminating the tax exemption for Confederacy organizations (United Daughters of the Confederacy, i.e.) passed on a 53-42 (barely) bipartisan vote.
  • HB1601 makes localities require a site assessment (of noise, energy and water usage, landmarks nearby, etc.) before allowing a data center. It passed the House 57-40.
  • HB1775 restricts the adultery grounds for divorce to only adultery occurring prior to the couple separating; also allows a “divorce from bed and board” without a waiting period upon application for anyone intending to live apart permanently. The bill passed 59-38.
  • HB1716 gives Gov Youngkin another chance to show that the GOP is not anti-birth control after he vetoed this bill last year. Unfortunately, only two GOP Delegates voted for it (losing Del Bloxom from last year).
  • (Not enough) bipartisan support for HB1678 to have school boards adopt a parental notice regarding safe storage of drugs and firearms to distribute at the beginning of every school year.

Some bills passing the Senate so far:

  • SB754 prevents obtaining, selling or disseminating personal menstrual health data under the Consumer Protection Act. It passed on a party-line vote, with Big Government-loving GOP senators all voting against privacy. 
  • SB778, preventing a child younger than 11 who has committed a delinquent act from being arrested, charged, going through the criminal justice system, instead getting them social services help, passed on a party-line vote.
  • SB805 increases rates of child support to partially address the effects of inflation. It included an enactment clause to study how to help those with overdue arrearages get caught up. It passed 32-7 with bipartisan support.
  • SB853 requiring utilities pay prevailing wage rates and prioritize hiring apprentices in building new renewable energy facilities, passed on a party-line vote.
  • SB1145 passed unanimously, making GPS-providing companies a party to a civil trespassing action against an individual driving on a private road, with the action being dismissed upon showing the private road has been removed from the GPS system.
  • SB1255 requires a specific reason for using restraints on a juvenile in court (currently some jurisdictions use them in all instances, even when no danger or flight risk). It passed the Senate unanimously.

Things to keep an eye on:

  • HB1656, prohibiting K-12 schools from recruiting (either with gifts/compensation or by designating the student as homeless) students from out of the district to play sports, is up for a floor vote this week.
  • SB1356, preventing financial institutions from charging electronic transfer fees and landlords from charging transaction or processing fees, is up for a vote on the Senate floor this week.
  • HB1941 and SB1166 would require retail signage designating plants for sale that are invasive species. This bill was vetoed last year, and changes have been made accordingly. Floor vote this week.
  • The Medical Debt Protection Act, HB1725, which prohibits large medical facilities from charging interest or initiating collections on medical debt, and requires them to set up payment plans, was reported to the floor on a party-line vote, with the GOP supporting Virginians facing impossible medical debt.
  • The Senate floor will be voting on numerous gun bills this week, including SB848 (age requirement for purchase), SB880 (restricts carrying assault weapons in public places), SB881 (banning ghost guns), SB891 (five day waiting period), and SB1134 (safe storage of firearms where minors present).